Friday, February 11, 2022


 Holy crap, is it windy

    I had to chase my Christmas tree.  It was in the back of the yard one minute, then Julia asked, "Where's the tree?"

    It was two houses down!  The tree blew away but the garbage can did not, which surprises me.  Usually that ends up in somebody else's yard on a windy day.

    As I walked through my yard I noticed it was pock-marked with deer prints.  They must come through when the ground is soft, because there are a lot of prints.  A lot o deer poop too.

    Funny thing is, I never see deer in our yard.  They must come late at night when I am in bed trying to sleep.  On nights with a full moon I do get up and watch the yard, but I still never see any.

    Maybe I should put in a trail cam.

    I think they like to visit my bird feeders.

    Had some friends over for dinner and I made a lemon tart.  I thought it was pretty good, but it would not come out of the tart pan.  I know I greased it, but maybe not enough.  Next time, more grease.

    It was fun just to sit around and talk.

    I was just outside and it is snowing, but it is not the kind that will stick around.  Very light and fluffy and not expected to amount for much.

    Just another day in paradise.

Peace and Love

   PS     If Maria puzzled you, way back when  the Kingston Trio did a song "They Call the Wind Maria."  Maria blows the stars around and sets the clouds a flyin.  Maria makes the mountains sound like folks was out there dyin.   Maria, Maria, the call the wind Maria  Now you know.

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