Sunday, February 13, 2022


 I almost fell asleep during the Super Bowl

    The second half was not actually exciting until the last minute or so, when the question was will the Rams score.

    I thought the Bears had a poor first and goal offense, but LA did not exactly show an offensive juggernaut either.

    We were up late last night watching the Olympics.

    That is my excuse anyway.  When I got up to use the bathroom it was 10:40.....a.m.

    By the time we were both dressed it was passed noon.  

    We will be going to bed earlier tonight.  

    Skyped with my nephew and his family in Switzerland.  They are in the Zurich area.  They went for a walk last weekend and there was no snow, so I asked about that today.

    Normally they do not get a lot of snow!  That amazed me,  because I always think of Switzerland as snow covered and cold in the winter.  But it did not get that way by Julia's  and it is not that way in most of the Ticino area in the eastern part.

    But up in the mountains,  they do get a lot of snow.  It seems everyday I learn something new about something.  By the time I am 110 I will be a freaking genius.

    The funny thing about Super Bowl commercials is I didn't know any of those people except the Manning family.  Jackie would say, "That was Joe Montana," or that was the guy from Schit's Creek, or that was Miley Cyrus, or that was Rebecca from Ted Lasso, or that was Ted Lasso.

    I am absolutely clueless.  Maybe I just have a block about remembering names and recognizing people.

    Ah well.....

Peace and Love

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