Monday, January 31, 2022

what happened??

 I had today pretty much planned

    I was going to finally put away the outside lights, which have been laying in a tangle in the basement.

    But Julia got a call that a car she was interested in was at the dealership and would I want to go with her to look at it?

    Jackie said she would be fine for a couple of hours, so we went.

    Five and a half hours later, we got home.

    During that time Jackie dropped the remote from the tv and could not reach it. so she had no choice but to watch the same channel.  Could not turn it off, or change channels.

    Corki had to go to the potty and stood by the door two times before giving up and going to sleep.

    I stopped at the mobility dealer in Rockford only to discover he was out and would not be back and the person working knew nothing about the turning lift chairs for cars.

    Learned that two of the people who work at this dealership spoke French!  Neither from the same country either.  One from Haiti and one from Morocco.

    Jackie was happy to see us.  We brought food.  

    Yes, I was worried the whole time we were gone, but nothing major went wrong.  That is a good thing.

    Tomorrow I attack the lights.

Peace and Love

I think it was a hoar was pretty, whatever it is called.

Deer seem to like our yard

A close up of Covid......or a purple coneflower, whatever

I ended up buying a car Jackie could easily get, where do I put the wheelchair?

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