Wednesday, February 16, 2022

job security

 I sometimes wish I had my dream job

    Trust me....I have had a few in my mind.

    I always wanted to be a TV show host like Johnny Carson.  I think I would have been good asking stars questions and performing silly skits.  That was my first dream job.

    My second dream job would have been an announcer for the Cubs.  Sitting up in the booth, describing the action, talking to players.  I enjoy guys like JD. Boog, and Pat and Ron.  They are watching people play, usually in the sun but at least not in the rain, and getting paid well for it.

    My third dream job would have been hosting a radio sports talk type of show, where I visit with fans, players, a sidekick and just talk about sports.  I have been told I have a face for radio.

    I know all those jobs take a great deal of talent, luck, listening for  the knock of opportunity and being in the right place at the right time.

    That brings me to my next dream job.  Weatherman.

    I want to get paid big bucks to go on TV and tell people if it is going to rain, snow, sleet, hail or be sunny.

    Like Tom Skilling, and Demetrius Ivory and the rest of the WGN crew.

    Why a weatherman?

    I don't think anywone keeps track of your forecasts.  Do people chart how many times they are right or wrong?  Do they get grades for accuracy?

    Hell, no!

    And I don't recall anyone getting fired for bad forecasting.  As a talk show host you have to be funny, but in announcing the weather, it can be a crap shoot.

    Take today.  Please.  It was in the 40s, going to the teens, could rain, sleet, snow or miss us entirely.  If it does snow, it could be an inch or 10 depending on if you live north or south of I 88 and east or west of 47.

    And if a really, really, gaseous person farts in Minneapolis that may shift the front even farther south.  Ok, they did not say that.  But it could happen.

    I know, I would have to go to school to learn about the weather. the terminology, the science behind it.  

    But in this day and age, a lot of people don't believe in science anyway so to those folks weather forecasting is actually just some people guessing.

    It's too bad I am as old as I am.  I could have been a forecaster.

    Now I have to go break out the snowshovel or the life raft....either one might be needed in the morning.

Peace and Love

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