Sunday, February 6, 2022


I am always fascinated by Facebook memories 

    Mainly because I don't remember some of them.

    For instance, 7 years ago Jackie and I had a wonderful lunch at Beacon on the Green.

    I don't remember the place.  The only  thing I can think of is that was what the restaurant used to be called at the former country club.  If so, it was a great name because the Beacon was a great place to eat and the golf course is a nice atmosphere.

    But the restaurant situation there seems to be fluid, shall we say.

    8 years ago I watched the last Jay Leno Tonight Show.  It seems longer than that.

    I believe the Packers won a Super Bowl on or about this date.  

    And one message is really clear:  "56 is in the house."  I swear I have no idea what that means.

    But, it's a memory!

    I have noticed sometimes the comments make  no sense, like:  "I can't believe he just did that!"  I do wish there was some context.

     I guess if I was curious I could go back and look....but I am not that curious.

    A lot of comments are about the weather and snow, cold, warmth, lack of snow and other typical Feb. 6 weather observations.  I have one series of pictures taken over 3 days that goes from no snow to what looks like a foot of the white stuff.  And of course the wind and my recycling come up.  

       I have been watching some of the Olympics.  I am fascinated by ski events, jumps, luge, skeleton and bobsedding.....those people have to be a little crazy to do what they do.  I admire them and commend them for what they can do.

    And they are all so young.   Well, most of them, anyway.  I heard a woman in her 50s was competing and an Italian skier in her mid thirties just wiped out hard.  

    To work so hard to get there and then fall has to be the saddest time in an athlete's life.

    That would be a memory never to be forgotten.

Peace and Love

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