Saturday, February 26, 2022


 Break out those tiny violins

    I am going to tell a tale that will produce tears and cause you to have unsurpassed sympathy for me.

    My feet itch.  (Cue the  tears.)

    I know!!  Too much information plus it's about my stinky feet!  You may want to stop reading right now.

    Sometimes when I go to bed my feet itch.  I put lotion on the soles twice a day...and it is the soles.

    Last night was horrible.

    I went to bed at 10:30.  Lights out.  Jackie was watching TV, I was reading.  At 11:15 I closed my Kindle and shortly after, the TV went off.

    Room was dark, all was quiet.

    And my feet started itching.  

    I tried rubbing them.  I tried ignoring them....but at a couple of points they were itching so badly my foot actually started spasing.  (Spazzing?  Whatever)

    I got up  to take an allergy pill.  At 1 I put some lotion on my feet, an anti itch lotion.  At about 2 I sprayed with an ahtlete's foot product.

    At 2:30 I got  back up, washed both feet with hot, soapy water, took my going on the airplane pill and went  to sleep, only to awake at 10 a.m.

    Now it is just after 5, and I can barely keep my eyes open.  We were going to the play tonight, but I just can't.  Luckily there is one more weekend.

    The problem with the sedative is, when I wake up I am, well, confused.  My mind does not work quickly.  I feel like I am in a fog.  But if I don't take it, I won't sleep.

    Cue the violins. please.

    So caffeine after 2 p.m., no nap, no wine, (more sympathy needed here)  nothing that might interfere with sleep.  I will go to bed early, not read, put on my Coyote Oldman disc and see if sleep will overtake me before midnight.

    And I will wash my feet in hot, soapy water.

    Damn, this is getting old!  No wonder I am losing my hair.

Love and Peace and Prayers for Ukraine

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