Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Some people have all the luck

    Like the guy in New York who just won $10 million in the lottery.  Again.  He won $10 million  a couple of years ago, and did it again last week.  He said he hasn't spent the first $10 mill yet.

    I saw an article on a  car he may be interested in buying.

    It was in today's Tribune and was described as possibly the last great gas car that will be built.

    It's a Bugatti Chiron and the one they had pictured had a base price of......wait for it.....wait....wait.

    $3.2 million.

    My eyesight is not too good, so I had to double check the price.  

    $3.2 million.

    On the plus side, it is supposed to go a little over 300  MPH, ideal for the billionaire who is in a hurry to  reach his yacht,

    When I read a bout $14 million dollar homes and $3 million cars I honestly think I will become a socialist.  People with that much money should be paying a hell of a lot more taxes than they do.

    On a bright side, my feet did not drive me nuts last night.  I washed them (my feet, just to clarify)  and dried them right before bed and they were fine.  I actually got to sleep before midnight. 

    I am experimenting tonight to see if a hot buttered rum will impact my feet.  I don't think it will, but it may impact my typing!  

    Meanwhile, I am going to find the guy in New York and ask him to buy me a lottery ticket.  Who knows?

Love and Peace and prayers for Ukraine

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