Tuesday, February 8, 2022

no ghosts today

I am still puzzling over yesterday 

    The Grinch puzzled until his puzzler was sore, but I did not go that far.

    Still don't know how Corki got outside.  

    Been watching some Olympics.  Holy crap!  Lugers have to be fairly crazy, eh?  Some of he speeds were 70 miles an hour, feet first, no brakes, no steering except by how you lean.  No way.

    It is just weird watching a Winter Olympics and not seeing snow.  The snow for ski runs and biathelons is all man made.  The mountains around the venues have no snow, and it is just weird.

    I also think one of the venues is next to a nuclear plant.  Those look like cooling towers in the back.

    Curling fascinates me.  I know there are curling clubs in the Chicago suburbs and maybe one day I will visit one to try the sport.  I would still have to be able to walk on ice and sweep for a long time, but it is the only sport I could do that is featured in the games.

    Years ago Jackie and several friends and I would go cross country skiing in Skare Park.  Years ago.  Lately there never seems to be enough snow.  Last year I only went snowshoeing one time because the conditions never seemed right.  This year is a washout for that.

    I saw an article that predicted the doom of the Winter Olympics because of the uncertainty of winter in the future.

    I miss the snow.  I don't like the cold, but I miss the snow.  

    Last year our driveway was plowed something like 8 times.  This year it has been plowed 3.  And it does not look like we will be getting a major snow anytime soon.

    If only someone could figure out what is causing it all.

Peace and Love

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