Thursday, February 24, 2022


There's a sucker born every minute 

    Mark Twain, or PT of them, said it.  I believe them.

    I read a story today about a 76 year old man in a North Shore suburb of Chicago. Kind of a ritzy suburb.

    Anyway, the man got an e-mail from Apple that said his account was overdue.  He called the number on the e-mail.  The representative told him he had to correct the problem immediately and the best way to do that was to go to a store, buy gift cards, then read the numbers off to the person on the phone so they could deposit the money in his Apple account.

    He made multiple trips into the store.  The people kept him on the phone and kept telling him he needed more gift cards.

    At some point he quit, but not until he had spent over $8,000 on gift cards.

    His recourse?  He is suing Target for selling him the gift cards!  He maintains they did not provide enough security and scrutiny in his purchases.

    I feel for the guy.  He was duped.  But it is not like he was not warned about his.  Almost daily we get warnings to never respond to e-mails like this, never buy gift cards and read off the numbers, never give important information out to strangers....and yet people do it.

    I am no genius, but when I get an e mail that says my account is anything, I dig out the website and use those numbers.  

    We all need to keep vigilant, and if you have old folks in your family keep an eye and an ear out for what they are doing.  

    You could end up saving them thousands od dollars.

    As a digression, Putin is mad.  What he is doing is immoral.  I hope the folks in Riussia realize it and throw him out.  But that is doubtful....blind loyalty and belief in his lies will continue to give him power.

    Peace and Love to Ukraine

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