Monday, February 21, 2022

like a dwarf

 Just call me Sleepy

    I did something incredibly reckless last night.

    I had some wine with supper.  That was not it.

    When I went to bed, my feet itched like crazy.  (I kinow, TMI!)  I put up with it until about 1, when I could not take it anymore.  So I took an allergy pill.  That was not it.

    I tossed and  turned until about 2:30, so I took a little pill that I take just before boarding an airplane.  That was it.

    I did not think about any possibilities of bad interactions, because they were minor doses.  But, one can never be sure.  I consider that a little reckless.

    Jackie woke me at 9:30 and said she had to get up.  I could have slept several more hours.

    I have always had trouble sleeping.  I don't know what the deal is.  I had a cup of coffee at 4, but that should not have bothered me 8 hours later,  So today, no caffeine after 1 p.m.  We'll see if that makes a difference.

    It's the damned itchy feet that drive me nuts.  No rhyme or reason to it, as far as I can tell.

    On a much more positive note, just placed my Burpee seed order and realized, after I hit place, that I did not include the 20 percent off coupon. Damn.

    Now I am wondering if I even placed the order!  Oh well......

    I think it is thundering.

Peace and Love

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