Saturday, February 5, 2022

maybe tomorrow

 I still have several items on my to do list

    Sometimes I get bogged down. 

    One of the items is simply to put away the garland.  Right now Judy is laying all over the basement floor.  I just need to put it in a plastic tub.

    But first, I check the lights.  If the lights are not working, I take them off.  Well, some of the garland was prelit, so taking off the lights is no easy task.  I have to untie them from each little branch.  Who ties them on anyway?  I would think a machine does, but what if it is some child in a labor camp in some Asian country who makes a dime a day and considers himself lucky?

    That's actually what I start thinking.

    Sometimes I just cut the broken lights and take them off in sections.  That is what I started doing today.  I have 7 strands of garland, and I have finished 3.  This could take a long time.

    In between tasks I took some time to wash and fold towels and sheets, listen to Jackie read directions for me to make potato soup.  discover we don't have onions despite me seeing several onions in the pantry.  It was only today I realized they were not onions but garlic bulbs.

    Go to the store to buy onions.

  Help Jackie start our income taxes.  

    Have a cup of coffee and watch a little of the Olympics.  Catch a replay of he luger who wiped out and watch a WGN News segment on the Norge ski jumping center in suburban Chicago that was a training site for 3 Olympian ski jumpers this year.  That is impressive!  But jumping is pretty darn scary.

    When all is said and done, I still have Judy to put away.

    But maybe tomorrow.......depending on the mood, the sport, and the weather.

Peace and Love

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