Saturday, February 12, 2022

Super Bowl Eve

 It will be hard for me to sleep tonight

    The BIG GAME is tomorrow.  The sports event of the year!  Billions of Americans will tune in to see which team is the best in football.

    There have been reports of chicken wing shortages all across the US as fans prepare feasts for the game.  Hoit dogs and rippled potato chips are selling at record numbers.

    Some stores have customers lined up for blocks just to have the oppoortunity to buy tortilla chips and salsa.

    Madness, I tell you,  Super Bowl madness.

    Before I get back to stirring the 20 gallon pot of chili I have simmering on the stove, I would like to make some predictions, including which team will win the game.  Guaranteed.

    Truckers and motorists protesting vaccination requirements will clog roadways leading the the stadium.  Aaron Rogers will be leading he convoy, but nobody will notice it is a protest because Los Angeles roadways are constantly clogged by trucks and cars. 

     Rogers will have to buy  a ticket to be at the Super Bowl, telling everyone who sits near him he has had his shots.  He will not tell them they were for mumps, pertusis and diptheria, and he had them 35 hears ago.  

    The team that scores first will be ahead for part of the game.

    No one will return an opening kickoff in Devon Hester fashion and he should be in the Hall of Fame for his return abilities.

    Players will have multiple injury time outs as they cramp up in the 175 degree temperatures.

    At least 2 Bengal fans will be beaten senseless in the parking lot before the game even starts.

    Several fans will have shirts off and letters on their chests that spell out their team's name, which will not be as impressive as Packer fans do it when it is 5 degrees.

    The Detroit Rams will be mentioned 6 times.

    People will wonder, who the hell are the Detroit Rams?

    Viewers over 60 will give a collective sigh after the half time show and say, "What the hell was that?"  adding that they miss days when music had a beat you could dance to and words you could understand.  (I was going to say a melody that rhymes as a tribute to Steve Goodman, but I didn't.)

    Joe Buck will be heavily criticized by fans for his blatant anti someone remarks even though hs is not part of the broadcasting team.

    The biggest post game debate will be which commercial was the best.

    Several people will announce they only watch the game for the commercials, and then go on to describe the big plays in detail.

    Some fans,  after eating 25 hot wings, 3 bowls of chili, chips and salsa and downing 14 beers, will pass out before half time.  Their post game celebration will be spent praying to the Porcelain God.

    Two commercials will make the sensitive among us cry.

    A huge Covid outbreak will follow within 10 days.  Yes, you could say the game literally made people sick.

    Now for the big prediction.  

    Who will win the game?

    The team with the most points!

    Now, I have to get my sleep because I am always anxious for the game coverage to start 16 hours before kickoff.

Peace and Love

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