Thursday, February 10, 2022

speaking of

 I almost went tobogganing

    I have no idea if that is spelled anywhere near correctly.

    I was a kid in Chicago.  My cousin Tommy took several of us  to a hill in Palos Park or Orland Park......something park.  There was a toboggan run that was quite popular in the day.

    We got there, got out of the car, and saw the huge line of fun loving people waiting to climb the 9, 544 steps to the top and slide down a rickity looking wooden toboggan chute that was covered in ice.

    Then we got back into the car.

    I think of that expereince every time I watch sled sports during the Olympics.  Women's skeleton was tonight and they were going down the track at over 79 mph.  Head first.  Face down.  No brakes.  No steering wheel.  OMG...never!

    Skeleton and luge are similar yet different.  In skeleton, the athlete gets a running start and belly flops onto the sled.  In luge they sit on the sled, use handles to push off, and lay down, feet first, for the 70 mph trip down the track.

    It hit me that it would never be talent that kept me out of the Olympics, it would be fear.  Luge, bobsled, skeleton, jumps, snowboarding freestyle.....all require a lot of courage as well as talent.

Shawn White was in his last games while in his mid 30s.  At one point, after his last run, where he fell, I heard him say to a fellow competitor, "My legs just kept giving out."

    He had an amazing career, they keep saying he revolutionized the sport.  It was sad to see him end his career, but the kids competing will carry on that combination of skill and courage to the next Olympics.

    But, I do wish I could go sledding again.  Maybe not 70 mph, but 6 or 7 would be fun.

Peace and Love

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