Friday, February 25, 2022

doctor, doctor

 We began the process of changing pimary care docs today

    Our primary care doctor's office was closed by the corporate big shots.  When we were told he was going back to the local hospital, we were happy.  

    But then we contacted the local hospital this point, he has not signed a contract.  And there is unceertainty as to when he will.  So, we changed doctors.

    There is a lot of paperwork.  We also had to fill out forms for any specialist we see.  When the lady asked how many forms we would need to do that, I said 10.

    We only used 8 of those, but two places had multiple doctors for us.  

    We see a lot of specialists.

    On one page it said concerns.....I listed about 406 but I now have two more I did not list.

    I was looking at my head and I am going bald!  Holy freaking shit, I am not kidding!  The top of my head is very thin , thinner than it should be.  Why have I just noticed that?

    Shouldn't the hair clogged shower drain have been a tip off?

    It  is not so  noticable when I part my nair and comb it over.  Oh god, a comb over!  WTH!!!!

    But if it just dry it and leave it go, it is very noticeable, at least to me.

    So, do me a favor.  When you actually see me in person, DO NOT STARE AT MY HEAD!  Please, be kind to this old guy.  And I won't mean to be looking down my nose at you, but my head will be tilted back.

    My other issue is my difficulty sleeping.  

    I was in Cypress House Wednesday and got a drink off the kids menu, but adult sized and with coffee.  It was not bad, not great, but I drank it.

    Today I went in and ordered a coffee and they told me it was free.  Evidently after I left Wednesday they discussed the drink and decided they mixed it wrong when resizing it and it was too watery.  The figured I didn't like it.  In a sense, they were right.  But I still drank it.

    But I also eat food that may be considerably beyond the best use by date.

    It was great for the Cypress House girls to comp me.  

    If you have not gone there for a coffee, or flowers,  I highly recommend stopping in.

Peace and Love

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