Sunday, February 20, 2022

why not?

 I found a house I would like to buy

    Jackie said no.  I think she is being closed mind on this.

    The price has been  reduced by half since it was listed 10 years ago this month.  There have been some buyers interested, but no on has made an offer.

    It has a little over 32,000 square feet, 9 bedrooms, 15 full bathrooms and 4 half baths, 15 car garage, and an indoor  regulation sized basketball court.

    Michael Jordan's former home was originally listed at $29 million but is now listed at a little over $14 million....quite the deal.    Property taxes are a shade over $132,000 a year.  I could sell some plasma and organs to help meet the tax for a year.

    I am just wondering why there are 15 full baths.  That just seems odd to me, but what do I know?

    Can you imagine living in a house that size?   Holy crap!  I could use a different bathroom every day for two weeks, although I have no idea why I would want to do that.

    If someone took the $14 million and built $125,000 homes for homeless people, they could build 112 of the shelters. 

    I am not begrudging MJ his wealth, he was a talented basketball player and rebuilt the image of the Chicago Bulls.  Plus he is a pretty smart businessman.

    Still.....someone will buy the house, eventually.

    I just know it won't be me.

    Julia and Emily had Indian food for lunch with my neice and her daughters.  I have not eaten much Indian food, but I really like buttered chicken, so they brought an order home for me. I had it Saturday night and tonight and found it really tasty.  Thank heavens they toned the spiciness down.  Tums will be served for dessert.

    Watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics.  I admit I got a little burned out about 4 nights ago.  I watched a lot of the games.  I am impressed by the athletes and their stories, trials, troubles, obstacles and their failures as well as their successes.

    I always get sad when the games are over because I know I will be 4 years older when they ski, skate, sled, and succeed again.

Peace and Love

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