Wednesday, February 2, 2022

s'no fun

 We hardly got any snow yesterday

    South and east of us got hammerd, while we came away with a literal dusting of less than an inch.

    But the wind was blowing, still is, and now we have a wind chill of 0.  That should go down during the night.

        Now the quesiton is what to do with recycling!  Do I take it out tonight and hope it does not blow away, or wait until morning and get up at some freakingly early hour and take it out then?  

    Decisions, decisions.

    Lat night I was looking at the NBC feed out of Chicago on my computer and they showed the storm track.  The listed Rockford, DeKalb, Dixon and ..... Flagg!  Flagg is in Lee County and has probably 60 residents.  That just seemed really strange to me.

    Snow is not bad.  When it melts, it soaks into the ground and replenishes the water lost last summer.  We did not have a lot of rain, so it would be good to have snow to get the ground nice and wet for spring.

    10 inches may be a bit much at one time, but some 2-3 inch snows would be a good thing.

    If you are in an area with a lot of snow, keep safe.  

    And remember to check those furnace exhausts!

Peace and Love

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