Saturday, January 8, 2022

olé, olé

 We had a Mexican flavored night

    Julie made cornitas.  I think that is how that is spelled.  Pulled pork, soft shell tacos, Mexican rice, black beans, guacamole,   It was all good.   

Emily, John, Renee and Wendy came and we had a nice time eating, talking, and laughing.  I think the talking and laughing were the things I have missed most these past long months.

    And we had Portillo's chocolate cake for favorite!

    Emily and John went to an antique mart in Aurora today and took me along  It was a pretty cool place and I can't tell you the number of times I said to myself "I have one like that."

    The problem is, I do have one like that and I need to start getting rid of those items!

    At the same time, I saw things and thought I would like to have ....but I did not buy anything.

    Now I am hoping the ice does not build up on the power lines and put us in the dark, and cold, tonight or tomorrow.  I sure would hate to miss the excting final Bears game.  I think it is called the "Who Cares?" bowl.....but somebody has to win, right?

Peace and Love

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