Sunday, January 16, 2022

and another thing

 I have another mystery I forgot to mention yesterday

    My cuckoo clock is, well, cuckoo.

    I pull the chains up at about 10 at night, or sometimes in the morning.  Lately the clock has been stopping at odd hours, like 2 a.m. or 3 a.m.   (I did get in trouble when it stopped on day at about 10 a.m. and I asked Jackie if she had looked at it.  She did say I was number 1 in her book, sorta.)

    So why does it work for 3 or 4 hours then sudenly stop?  It's a vexing issue.  (Covid is a vaxing issue, on the other hand.)

    I know we have to get it cleaned and oiled periodically.  Usually we take it to a man in Sycamore who repairs watches and clocks.  Maybe it's time to do that.

    Or, maybe I need to redo the hanger.  Sometimes I notice it is leaning forward, which I guess could cause it to stop.

    And I can't rule out the possibilities of ghosts or aliens.  

    In any case it bugs me.  

    Speaking of bugging me, I watched a video on how to change the blades in my Fat Max cutter.  Looked pretty easy.  The problem is, the replacement blades are all stuck together and I can't get them apart! I have to look for my cut proof gloves so I don't accidently slice off part of my anatomy.

    Spent a pretty quiet day today...a football game, reading the paper, straightening up the den......nothing too taxing.  

    At some point I have to make a list of things I need to do.  That does help. 

    Jackie was doing the checkbook and asked me for a composition notebook.  I have about 7 in my desk drawer.  Every notebook I picked up had either the first couple of pages ripped out or writing on the back pages.

    One notebook has, written on the back page:  ate 70s      early 80s.  (I assume I missed the l and it is late.)

    Another one has four numbers:   10:24, 10:27,10:30, 10:48.

    I imagine at some point in time those had some meaning....but I have no idea what the hell it all means.

    Yet another mystery to ponder.

Peace and Love

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