Friday, January 14, 2022

What the .......

 I lost one of my favorite hats today

    It's my red Swiss hat, has a white cross on the front.  It fits well, is nice and warm, and I just like it.

    I went to six places today.  I know I had my hat on when I left the house.  Leaving the first place iwth Dan and Linda, my hearing aids got caught up in my facemask and everything was falling out all over the place.  I got discombobulaed!

    By the time I got to my last stop, it was cold and snowy.  I looked for my hat.

    I could not find it.

    After leaving my last stop, I went back to Cypress House.  No hat.  Then to ALM Cabinets.  No hat.  Then past a friend's house were I stopped and got out of the car.  No hat.  The antique place I went with Dan and Linda.  I wandered up and down the aisles, but no hat.  I left my name at the front counter with a complete description of the hat and my phone number.  Called the museum.  No hat.

    When I got home I looked under the car seats and .... no hat.   I did find two gloves that match the two gloves I have in my glove basket.  Now I actually have 4 pairs!

    We ordered pizza (it's Friday!) and I went to get my gloves....there was my hat.

    I texted Linda at some point and asked her if she knew what I had done with my hat, but she said she did not think I was wearing one.

    And I wasn't.

    Which means, I am now losing  things I never had in the first place!

    I bet I spent 45 minutes backtracking my steps today.....45 minutes I could have spent napping or playing solitaire.

    Now I am not saying I am losing my mind, but if you ever see me wandering aimlessly around town, you might want to check on me.

    Oh....I did post the lost hat on Facebook and offered a Cypress House coffee to the person who found it.  I found it.  I owe myself a coffee.

Peace and Love

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