Thursday, January 27, 2022

oh my!

It just seems to be one of those nights

    Part of me is sad, another part of me feels like a weight has been lifted off my sholders and a third part of me is conflicted.

    I told the folks at the zoo today that I would not be returning as a volunteer.

    I started in 2008, after I retired from teaching.  Every other Friday I would make the 80 mile drive to the zoo and spend the next 4 hours playing with kids.  Sometimes we would do blocks, sometimes we would have plastic animals and make zoos.  If I happened to be in the greenhouse and saw some youngsters I would show them the sensitive plant;  when you touched its leaves they would curl up, and slowly open 15 minutes later.

    There were so many creative craft projects to help youngsters with and bringing out a  guinea pig or snake was always an attention getter.

    As Jackie's ability to walk slipped away, we made some adjustments.  Someone would come in from 9-1 and be with her and help her as needed.  But it became apparent last spring that amount of help needed to be increased.  For me to go to the zoo, I would need someone to come in and stay for 8 hours.

    It becomes a cost issue.

    I'm sad about it, but I have given it lots of thought.  Sure, Julia is looking for a job, but she will find one.  Emily works.  I won't depend on them because it is not fair for them, nor would it be practical.

    So, I am sad about it but happy that I finally made the call. 

    I had a fun time over the almost 12 years I went.  I will treasure the people I became friends with and the memories I have.  Some of my favorite times were when a child would sit with me and just tell me about their pets, their lives, their dreams.  

    But I know I will miss it.  Because I have for the past 2 years....damn you, Covid!

    Hopefully I can visit this summer....and take Jackie along.

Peace and Love

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