Monday, January 3, 2022

Coooookie monster

 I think I may have overdone it

    I always buy butter cookies after Christmas because they are cheap.  Instead of $1.99, you can find them for half that and even less than half.

    I always go hunting for them.  Sometimes other people help.

    Like Emily.

    She bought some for me.

    You decide if I have enough or not.

    I usually go through a pack every two weeks.  I make a tea, sit on the porch during the summer or on the patio, and have two or three cookies.

    Jackie likes them too.

    I think I have enough.  I had bought 12 packs and I think Emily got me 40 something.  So this summer, stop by for tea and a cookie.  Or stop by  this winter for hot chocolate and a cookie.  Or coffee and a cookie.  Or tea and a cookie.

    You get the idea.

    Today I started packing them in freezer bags.  Then they will go downstairs in the freezer until I start craving them.  And yes, they do freeze nicely.

    Munching them in July always brings back fond memories of Christmas.  A tasty reminder, if you will.

    I just wish they would not contribute to my weight!

Peace and Love

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