Wednesday, January 5, 2022

small steps

 Another part of Christmas went away today

    We packed everything except the village.  That will be put away tomorrow.  I can only do so much and then I get irritated and bored.

    The going up and down the stairs does pain my legs a little.  I tell Julia not to go down emptyhanded, or come up without an empty container.  So far, that has worked well.

    Corki had a vet appointment today.  We are concerned about her hearing.  The doc said she has a slight yeast infection in both ears, so we have medication for that.  He also cleaned out some ear debris, but said on the whole, the ears did not look bad

    The nhe asked me how long she had the lump on her stomach.  It took me by surprise, because in all the time I have given her belly rubs, I had not noticed it.  Now I am aware of it and we are taking a wait and see approach.

    As  a reward for her good behavior, she got a Puppychino from Starbucks on the way home.  She loves those!

    The drive was not bad except for one or two stretches of road where the visibility was not good.  A sane person would have turned around at the first area, but I am not the most rational person in the world.  I slowed down, put my emergency flashers on, and continued on my way.

    In the end, it all worked out for the best.

    By the way,  24 more visits to 230,000!

Peace and Love

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