Sunday, January 2, 2022

going, going

 We took the tree down today

    Jackie packed ornaments, Julia and I got the tree out the door ,and the first nail in Christmas 2021 has been pounded down.

    We usually don't take stuff down until Jan. 6, Epiphany, the 12th day of Christmas.  I think today was maids a milking day, but I get so confused.

    Anyway, because I left the heating vent under the tree open, old Tannebaum may have dried out me.

    Needles were falling all over the place.  I was afraid it was becoming a fire hazard.

    So, down it came.

    After taking the tree down I went out to clear my driveway. Well, half my drive way.

    There was only snow on half of it because it just was blowing so much.  I guess the guy who plows my drive either forgot me or figured it wasn't enough to bother with.

    So I went outside when it was 12 degrees and took care of the snow.  I also filled bird feeders since I was already out and frozen.

    I do enjoy watching the birds.  I think we had a cardinal this week, but I am not sure.  We do get lots of finches and sparrows.  I imagine the snowbirds will show up in the next week or two and I love watching them.

    Such is my life.

    Here's a few pictures to round out the night.

Peace and Love

These were needles on the floor......a whole bunch of them!  And I am holding a bottom branch!!

Rebecca, I hope you read this blog!  I still have it, at least I did until this weekend.

I saw this before New Year's.  Seriously?

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