Monday, January 10, 2022


I think my blog is impacting my social interactions

    When I talk to friends or family I start to tell a story and I hear, "yeah...I saw that on your blog" and I am rendered speechless.

    I need to start hiolding back information so I have somthing to talk about with people.

    You may not know this, but I am very much an introvert.  I know, you will disagree.

    But If I go to a party or gathering of people I don't know, I tend to sit on the edge and not interact.  I  usually don't go up and introduce myself to people, although the older I get the more I am doing that.  I think it's the feeling that I am older now and I'm not so worried about saying something stupid.

    And that is a real concern.  I spent 28 years talking with 9 and 10 year olds on a daily basis.  They think knock knock jokes are funny.  But get in a crowd of bankers or bsinessmen and ask them, "What's the last thing to go through a bug's mind as it hits your windshield?" causes them to look at you like you are an idiot.

    The more I am around a group, the more relaxed I become.  Yes, I can interact very well at a friend's birthday, or at a theater group event, or in several other situations when I know people.  

    And I perform on stage and with an improv comedy group, which a lot of people just can't do.  But the improv group is made up of friends, and I feel comfortable with them.  On stage, I am not Terry, but a character...or at least I try to be.

    Being a volunteer at the zoo caused me to talk to many strangers and I think that has helped me.  It's too bad Covid has impacted that part of my life.

    By the way, I just took Corki out.  It is 7 degrees outside.   I have my hearing aids in and it was great standing out there and listening to the night.  It was quiet....didn't even have traffic on Flagg Road, which is unusual.  

    The only sound was Corki's feet crunching on the icy snow and her incessant barking at the shadows.

    And the last thing that goes through a bug's mind?  His Butt!!!!!

    Admit it, you laughed.

Peace and Love

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