Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I'm no fool

I can't believe the scam e-mails I am getting 

    It seems I have subscriptions that are due, free $50 gift cards, unclaimed packages, and purchases charged to my account in error, and they want to refund the money.

    Plus.....I got a message from a FB friend that he had sent a picture that he just found.  

    There may be a point later in life when I am gullible enough to believe some of these people, but not now.  I did not open the picture, which I am visualizing as some sort of worm that will infect my computer and destroy all my records after it grabs all the money in our savings accounts and transfers it to a hidden bank account in Elbonia.

    Or it could have been a porno shot.  I am not checking.

    To get the free gift card, all I had to do was to give some information to verify my account.  Really?  After I verify my info, I assume scammers will use my info to set up fraudulent accounts in my name and grab all the money in our savings accounts and transfer it to a hidden bank account in Elbonia.

    Subscriptions?  I get at least 4 notices a day telling me a subscription I don't have has expired.  I kinow if  I clink,   (my new shorthand for click  on the link.....TYVM!)  all my info will be stolen and someone will  grab all the money in our savings accounts and transfer it to a hidden bank account in Elbonia.

    To further prove I am not a fool, I took down my outside Christmas lights today.  It was fairly warm, so I used that to my advantage.  I did leave up one set, but that too will soon disappear.

    I also started thinking of a summer vacation.  Someone told me Elbonia was nice in September.

Peace and Love

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