Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 Numbers sometimes confuse me

    I have a home security system.  One of my window's sensors has a bad battery.  It says dining room window 2.....but I don't know which one is 2.  I have put new batteries in both sensors, but window 2 is still not working.

    I tried replacing one window's battery.....but the message remained.  So I replaced the other window's battery....but the message remained.  Which one is 1?  Wjich one is 2?

    In fact, message center said they had lost contact with window 2.  I looked, it was still there, so I know window 2 didn't wander off.  Good thing too, with the wind and freezing weather outside!

    My printer keeps printing 4 of everything.  I don't check the number of copies before I hit print, so evidently it prints whatever the previous number was.  I don't know when I printed 4 of anything, except the Christmas letter.

    I finally went to buy a couple of calendars today.  Who would think the selection would be so limited 4 days into the new year?  I want a weekly one that I can use to keep track of my miles on the bike and my weight.  I bought one, but I don't like it.  That's what procrastination gets you.

    I started this blog in 2014.  When I  sat down tonight, there had be 229,907 visits to the site.  So.....sometime in the next two nights it will pass the 230,000 mark.

    I have said it before and I will say it again:  Thank you for reading this.  Maybe you don't read it every night, maybe you do.  In either case, I am glad we have connected.

Peace and Love

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