Monday, January 17, 2022

cut ups wanted

I have amassed a large collection of boxes 

    They are all over the garage.  But they have a purpose.  (Not a porpoise, but that was a fishy joke.)

    When I expand my wildflower garden in May, I will put cardboard down around the plants.  This helps prevent weeds and holds in the water.  

    I like to use cardboard hat is up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide.  Hence the cardboard boxes.

    At some point I need to start cutting the boxes down to the right size.  Since it is work in the garage, I would like a warmer day, but cutters can't be choosers.  Hopefully tomorrow I will start, but I know I won't finish.

    It is not fun.  My hands usually hurt, my knees ache from kneeling on the garage floor, I freeze, and I get angry at myself for even thinking this is a good idea.

    But, I will do it.  Eventually.

    Today I got a new blade in my Fat Max cutter, and that is a start.  You can't cut cardboard with a dull scissors.

    So if you are driving by and happen to stop, check out the mess I am making in the garage.  And if you bring a box cutter you can even join in the fun.

Peace and Love

PS....just to clarify, a porpoise is not a fish.  Its a mammal.  That's not as funny.

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