Saturday, January 22, 2022

shut out

 I am kind of wacko

    There are certain foods I love, maybe too much, and only for a little while.

    Cherries......fresh and from Michigan or Wisconsin, for example.  Peaches from Illinois first, but also Michigan and Missouri.   Strawberries from Michigan or Illinois.  Sweet corn grown locally.  Tomatoes from my garden.  Honeybell oranges from Florida.

    The problem is, the seasons are short.  Usually it's about a month for the produce to be available fresh.

    Well, Emily tipped me off to a Florida company that brings citrus fruits up north and sells them out of a truck.  Sounds fishy, but it is not.  Today (Saturday) they were in DeKalb for  an hour with oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, nuts, and honeybells.

    I used to order honeybells from a company in Florida.  But when I did that last time, I paid close to $60 for about 12 oranges.  As much as I like them, I won't do that again.

    Honeybells are only available for a short time....usually early part of January to mid February.  They are sweet, juicy, and just delicious, in my view.

        So when I read the ad for honeybells at $45 for 20, I was set to go.

    I hit two other places before heading  to the travelling fruit truck.  I got there about 3:15 and there were 10 people in line.  I got at the end and waited in the cold.  And waited.  The line went fairly quick, but people were buying a lot.

    A man 4 people ahead of me stepped up and ordered a box of grapefruit and a box of honeybells.

    "I can only fill half that order," man in the truck said.  "I have the grapefruit, but the honeybells are still on the trees in Florida."

    So I went back to my car, crushed.

    As I sat there I thought, heck, I am here, why not by some oranges?

    So I got back in line and bought a box of oranges.  I asked about honeybells.

    The guy in the truck said they have never been this late before.  They are just now getting ready to be picked and growers are concerned that it is taking so long.  He also said he should have them when he comes back Feb. 12.

    The oranges I bought are more the size of a grapefruit and they are sweet!  Lots of juice, and a great taste.

    Too bad they are not honeybells......but next time!

    Jackie and I went to the theater group's cluminating event tonight.  We had a nice night out and the other Terry and I did a short snipet from Tuna Does Vegas, a two person show the two of us are doing in July and August.  It was a fun time, and the other shows lined up also look like a lot of fun.

    Despite the gloom and doom we face on a daily basis, there is a little bit of sunshine in our lives.

Peace and Love

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