Tuesday, January 25, 2022


It is dang cold

    As I start writing this, it is -2 outside, with a windchill of -16.  That is cold.

    On nights like this I think of homeless people sleeping in  tents under overpasses or bridges in the Chicago area.  I feel for them, but don't know how to help.  

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in Rolling Meadows scheduled for today, but they called this morning and cancelled due to an emergency in the office.  I was sort of thankful.

    After talking with Bob and Anita, who were in the lower 30s in Florida, I tackled my new list.

    These are short, easy things I need to do around the house.

    For example: My underwear drawer was full of underwear I don't wear.  I spent some time cleaning out the unused tighty whiteys, which created a lot of room.  This took about 10 minutes.

    My next project was to replace the door closure on a kitchen cabinet.  I figured all I had to do was unscrew the first one, use the same hole, screw the new one in.  15 minutes tops.

    I could not find a Phillips screw driver.  After I finally found one, I discovered I needed  a light, so I got my big flashlight.  That did provide the right light, so I went to find my three headed worklight.

    But it did not work.  I could not figure out how to change the batteries, so I Googled it and watched: 1, a sales video; 2, a video for a different type of flashlight; 3, the right video on how to change the batteries.

    Turns out it is pretty simple.  Except when one battery "explodes" and has to be pried out with a sharp, small instument.  

    By now the 15 minute project was nearly 30 minutes long and I still had not replaced the closure.

    Once I got the flashlight in the right spot, the correct screwdriver, and got on the floor, it was an easy fix.  Getting off the ground was the hard part!

    After 2 days, I have 3 chores crossed off my list.  That is a big deal for me.

    Tomorrow I am organizing a bathroom closet.

    That should be fun.

Peace and Love


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