Wednesday, January 26, 2022

time flies

Today just flew past 

    Of course, getting up at 10 did not help.  By the time both of us were showered and dressed, it was almost noon.

    The power went out twice last night.  Once about 10 while I was up.  The second time was in the middle of the night, causing Jackie to awaken me to tell me the power was out.  I politely suggested next time she wait until morning when I am not in a deep sleep.

    I did set up a little step stool to reach the top shelf of the bathroom closet, but that was all I got done.  Wait, I changed a light bulb.

    That was frustrating.  About 3 months ago I put an LED bulb in a hall fixture.  The light would work some of the time, but not all the time.  I finally decided to change the bulb.....but the bulb works in Julia's lamp, so it is not the bulb.  Maybe it just got too hot because it is enclosed?  Anyway, I put a regular bulb in the light.  I hope it works tomorrow.

    We have lots of tracks in the yard.  Deer come over from the park and browse my yard.  I tried to use plants that do not attract deer, and usually they are not a problem.  They have pawed away the snow in a couple of areas to get at the grass and may be helping themselves to my bird seed because it disappears pretty quickly.

    Corki can sense their presence at night.  She will stare and wag her tail at some invisible creature in the dark, but maybe she smells a deer.

    I don't think she can hear one because she does not hear well anymore.  That's a sure sign of aging.

    By the way, it was damn cold last night and this morning!  More to come, I hear.

    Tomorrow, the closet!

    Tonight,  the warm bed!!

Peace and Love

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