Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 I read about the man out east who got a new heart

    It's not a human heart, but a pig's heart!  As I understood, it is a gene modified pig's heart, which closely resembles a human heart.

    The heart was inserted in an 8 hour operation.  Although the man was on an artificial heart machine after the surgery, doctors seemed pretty optimistic.  The pig heart seemed to be working.

    The man had a serious heart issue and was not eligible for a transplant, medication was not the answer, so the pig heart was his only option.

    That is feaking amazing!

    Of c ourse there are some ramifications.  He can't eat bacon or ham.  If he does generous acts he will be known as Pig Hearted Bill.  People will accuse him of eating like a pig.  If he joins a community theater group he might be called a ham in the making.

    And for you older folks, every time he finsihes a story he will say, "Tha   tha thaaats all folks!"

    I sinceerely wish him well.  He could be a lifesaver for so many people.  It was a courageous move on his part.

Peace and Love

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