Tuesday, January 18, 2022

and they're off

 We had a little excitement tonight

    Emily came home with Tesla from the vets.  Tesla had some tooth work done, I believe an extraction.

    Anyway, when Emily opened the back end of ther car, Tesla took off like a shot.

    She had never done that before.  Tesla, Emily has opened the back end lots.

    Emily called and Julia and I joined the search party, which luckily included several VCCT members who were meeting at their house.

    Julia and I drove the perimiter while the others searched the neighborhood on foot. 

    After what seemed forever, Will caught sight of the miscreant and was able to get ahold of her leash.  Luckily she never left he subdivision, but she was awfully close to getting into the fields.

    Julia and I thought we saw her in one of the corn fields, but it turned out to be a deer.  Actually, 5 deer.

    Several times I put the car crossways on the road so we could better search the fields, hoping to see her.

    All's well that ends well, but it sure was a nerve wracking time.  Greyhounds can run fast for a ways, and while Tesla always comes to me in the house, she does not come to people outside the house.

    I'm just thankful for all the people who joined the hunt.

Peace and Love

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