Thursday, January 20, 2022

on the road, again

 I got a little flustered today

    First off, I got up at 6 to take out the recyclables.  Yes.  6.  Me.  6 a.m., to be clear.

    I did go back to bed for about half an hour, but I had a worker coming to fix my window blinds.  So I showered, dressed and sat in a chair until he showed up at 8:15.

    He was here less than 20 minutes.  Job done.  Should have called my friend Carrie.

    Jackie always gets me up by 8:30.  But today she slept until almost 10!  

    I finally got her up and dressed and the second repair person came to check our fireplace.  We noticed that after about 15 minutes. it cuts off then comes right back on.  The guy was here once to fix it, replacing the ignitor, but when we used it again it still cut out and came back on.  Three times in a 5 minute period.

    Today he ran it for a while, it did cut off once, and he checked with the manufacturer who suggested it was the wall switch  So he replaced the wall switch, turned it on and we spent the next half hour watching the gas logs.

    We have run it since and the problem seems to be fixed.

    I had a chiropractor appointment at 2, so I started getting ready at about 1:40.  But I could not find my phone.  I used the Tile button on my car keys, but nothing happened.  So Julia called my number and heard,"This is the Kohl's Service Desk speaking.  We have your phone."

    Yesterday Julia and I stopped at Kohl's to look for a new bathroom rug for our bathroom.  I remember using my phone to take a picture of the rug, but Julia used her phone to take the picture so I must have set mine down to hold the rug.  I have no idea how it got from the rugs to the service desk.

    By now it was almost 5 to 2, so I put on my shoes and left.  Jackie was still in her wheelchair and I had not made her lunch.

    Julia had to make her lunch, get her into her chair, and wait on her until I got home.

    It was not a totally wasted drive.  I did get the hand cream I forgot two days ago.  And I did get a pistachio latte for the drive home. 

    I went almost one full day not missing my phone.  No one called, texted, or anything, so in one sense I feel neglected.  I mean, not even the car warranty pests called!

    But all is well that ends well, I guess.

    I am kind of tired tonight, hopefully I will sleep well.....and I bet a certain lady wakes me at 8 tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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