Saturday, January 29, 2022


 It's funny how life goes around

    When Julia was in high school, she would have to ask to borrow the car.

    Now that she has moved back, she still has to ask to borrow the car!

    When she was little, we cooked and did dishes.  Now she cooks for us and does the dishes.

    When Emily was little we would explain things to her about all sorts of things.  Now she explains things to us when we have questions about medications, Corki, how the internet functions, or what the hell was the password for my Apple account.

    We have changed that sucker so much, I have about 7 scratched out.  And that is since November.

    I just can't remember my user name and password for the account.  Writing it down does not seem to work, because, well, I don't always write it right.  

    I think both girls draw the line at the possibility of changing my diapers......if that day ever comes.  I hope it does not!

    I don't think I I wasted the day away (not in Margaritaville either.  In a poll recently taken, Margaritas were the most popular mixed dring in the US, followed by rum and Coke.  That's just in case you were in the mood for some useless knowledge.), but I did not do much.  Two loads of laundry and the annual museum meeting, a short nap and the first few pages of a  book I got for Christmas were all the things I managed to accomplish.

    I also made some coffee.  Yes, I made coffee.  In the coffee maker we got a long time ago.  I don't make very good's either too weak or too strong.  This one may have been somewhere in the middle because it did not make my eyes bulge out right away.

    Now, if I can get to sleep tonight it will be a miracle.

    Friends out east, stay safe!  The worst may be over.

Peace and Love

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