Thursday, January 6, 2022

Breaking News!!!!!

 Space aliens have invaded!!!

    An entire quaint 1800s era village vanished today as alien space invaders beamed up the cottages and the inhabitants.

    "Oy, it was terrible," said eye witness Mike.  "We were all afraid for our lives."

    Among the buildings reported missing are the poultry shop and fire station.  "Unbelievable!" uttered Ms. Green, who was in the library of the building next door looking for a candlestick.  "A big beam of light and poof!  It's all gone!"

    Several local politicians also witnessed the mayhem, but said the space aliens were misunderstood and just looking for a way to protest probes being sent up Uranus to look for moisture in hopes of starting a colony on the gas giant.

    Warehouses and churches also vanished, along with Eddie Acorn, noted chestnut dealer who usually set up shop in front of the cocoa plant, which also is gone.

    "Me poor Eddie,"  Mrs. Acorn wailed when notified of the unexpected event.  "Now who is gonna provide for me poor family?  Little Donnie, Mitch, and baby Teddy will now have to go out into the world and earn a living instead of livin' off my dear Eddie's business."

    That is all the time for this news bulletin.  Stay tuned for more information.

Peace and Love

Proof of aliens!!!!!

Before aliens

After aliens...all that is left is some unknown packing material

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