Thursday, January 13, 2022


 10 years ago today we closed on our old home

    We had been in the Skare Court house for about 20 years and had figured it was our forever home.

    But MS had different plans.  When I saw Jackie literally pulling herself up the stairs, I knew we could not continue to live there.  So we opted to build a one level home.

    Don't get me wrong, I like our current home.  But I loved the other one.  The breezeway was the main reason, but it was also fairly isolated with the park behind and wonderful neighbors to the south.  We had lots of trees too. and I love trees.

    We have wonderful neighbors now, too.  But the park and breezeway and trees are memories.

    Emily's tree, Martha, is still there.  She got that in third grade, I think.  All the kids got white pines and we planted it and nurtured it at our Mill Pond house.  When we went to move from there, Emily said we had to take Martha.  So we did.

    Martha flourished at Skare Court.  

    In reality, the house was too big for the two of us.  But it was also comfortable.

    MyFB memories reminded me that it was 10 years ago today we closed.  How is that possible?  What happened to those 10 years?

    I had another FB memory earlier this week about moving boxes into our temporary housing.  I thanked Dave and Mary for helping us, and now I wonder who they were.  Was it Dave R?  What Mary would have been around?

    Was it  new neighbors in the townhouses?  Why can't I remember?  Who helped?

    This summer I will be planting four trees.  It is long overdue.  I plan to watch them grow for a long time, maybe not 20 years, but at least half that.

    At least,  "God willing and the creek don't rise," as Tennessee Ernie Ford used to say at the end of his TV show way back when.

Peace and Love

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