Monday, January 24, 2022

brain farts

 That is my excuse

    For the first time in I don't know how long, I forgot to do a post last night.  I guess the football games and church meeting and everything just gave me a brain fart.

    But that does not excuse this morning.

    I folded my clothes, made the bed, and discovered I lost a pillow.  Seriously.  It disappeared.

    I looked under the bed, in the closet, in the den, in the garage...everywhere I had gone, but could not find it.  I had it in my hand!  It was there....then it was gone.

    Not under the bed, or under the sink, or in the dirty laundry basket.

    This is not a big pillow.  About the size of two footballs, Jackie puts it behind her back for support at night.

    I was really getting frustrated.  I had been folding t shirts, so I looked in that drawer a second time and, there is was.  I must have picked up the pillow with the shirts and did not see it when I first looked.

    Events like that make me think I am losing my mind.

    I have several chores I need to do.  I figured I can't do them all at once, so I made a list with the idea of doing one at a time.  Not one a day, just one during the day. Any day.

    When I am done with this little rambling, I will do one job and cross it off my list.  At least I will feel like I accomplished something today.

    We'll see.

Peace and Love

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