Saturday, October 2, 2021

back in the Swiss life

 Well, I made it

    After being up 26 straight hours, or more, I gave up on posting last night, which was Friday.  Today is Saturday for me, but really Friday night for you.  Confused? Join my world.

    Emily took me to the airport and it was lucky she stayed.  I had to fill in a form I could not fill in on my computer, but I had to do it on my phone.  Fat fingers and failing eyesight made that an Impossible Dream event.  Emily did it easily. so, not only did she drive me, she saved me hours of aggravation.  Filling in the form gives me a QR code, which is needed get into the country

    When waiting to board the desk people made an announcement for several passengers to report to he desk.  I was surprised to hear my name.  Turns out, they wanted to be sure I had the code. No code, no entry.

    I tried sleeping on the flight.  It is much easier in business because you get a glass of champagne when you board.   Plus I had a glass of wine with supper.  Or two glasses.  And the seat reclines so you can lay flat. I did watch two movies, but I don't remember the titles or how one of them ended.  I might have drifted off for a few moments.

    Julia was there to pick me up in Geneva and by 8 p.m., I was ready for bed.  I slept until 4 a.m. then spent some time trying to rename the 2016 World Series winning Chicago Cubs, and fell back asleep.  For some reason, I could not remember Pedro Strop.  When I woke up again it was 6:30, I remembered Strop's name, and fell back asleep until 10 a.m.

    I am now fully awake.  It's almost noon.

    It is a beautiful day, the lake is calm with some sailboats out, the mountains a little hazy, and the sky a little cloudy because of expected rains.

    But hey, it is Switzerland.  And I am here.

Peace and Love

Look what I found in Zurich airport!!

Proof I am really here and not at a den of iniquity someplace else.

  Champagne on board...selfies with masks lose their effect

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