Wednesday, October 27, 2021

no zzzz for me

The old can't sleep ghost is haunting me 

    Three of the last four nights I have been awake until way past 2  The fourth night I took a pill to relax me and it sure did.

    But I hate to do that every night.

    Today I had a blood test in Sycamore.  Usually I would hit the Starbucks and head home, but today I skipped the coffee.  Maybe my afternoon teas and coffees are the reason I can't sleep, but I wonder.

    I seem to sleep better with the window open.  But Jackie doesn't like the air because it causes her allergies to flare up.

    I also like to sleep in my chair, but that sometimes causes my back to ache.

    I hate to make the bed in the spare bedroom and sleep in theere, because it is just more laundry I eventually have to do.

    When visiting Julia, I don't seen to remember having a problem.  I would open the window, climb into bed, and sleep.  Or maybe I did and I don't remember.

    It's almost 11 and I am tired. I go.  Off to bed, or the chair,  and hopefully sleep.

Peace and Love

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