Thursday, October 28, 2021

terrific Thursdays

 Good things seem to happen to me on Thursdays

    I went to Switzerland on a Thursday, came home on a Thursday, and today friends brought lunch and we had a great visit.

    Kathy and John came out from the big city and brought hot dogs, brats and salads for lunch.

    We had a wonderful time visiting and talking and the hours flew past.  I had not seen them in person since my surgery, just about 1 year ago.  And actually, it was only John that I saw then.

    So today was great.  Years ago we would venture into the city a couple of times a year, but the wheelchair is a deterrent to going many places.  We have also met at restaurants pre Covid, but we all know what Covid has wrought.

    I also checked my stats for this blog today.  As I sat to write this, if 49 people read this posting, I will go over 225,000!  That astounds me.

    At the same time, I am reading a book written by a woman who started writing books when her blog hit 1 million followers.  I have a way to go.

    Last night I did not sleep well, hopefully tonight will bring some needed zzzzzs.  And more followers.

Peace and Love

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