Saturday, October 9, 2021

early is right

 I am getting an early start tonight

    It's taco night at Julia's an d some friends are coming over to enjoy food, fellowship, and wine.

    So I figured I better do my blog early.

    Today was a perfect day, weatherize, yesterday.

    Let me explain.

    The forecast was for 60s, lots of sunshine, a beautiful day.

    My plan was to hit the market in Vevey, rent a bike and ride up to Castle Chillon, stop at Starbucks on the way back for a coffee and enjoy the sunshine.

    No sun.  It was cloudy and looked like rain.  Damp, cold, you can't see the mountains across the lake.

    So I just went to the market.  That was a mistake.

    I bought some raspberries because they looked delicious.  And some deer sausage.  And a cream sugar pie.  Jackie used to make one like this and I have to admit Jackie's was better.  I also bought a cucumber for 2 Franc.  Yes,....2!  A Franc is about $1.  It's a small cucumber!

    I had to buy some Mexican rice at the grocery  for the taco dinner, so after that I went to Starbucks.  In my best French I ordered a venti  vanilla latte.  I ordered the same drink the same way four days ago.  It was delicious.

    Well..,....sometime you lose a little in the translation and the masks.  Telll me what you think of my drink when. you see the picture.

    We spent the afternoon getting ready for tonight.  It should be a lot of fun.  Everyone  has had the shots, so we feel pretty safe.

Peace and Love

There are four lanes like this, filled with all sorts of items

These could fit in your hand....about the size of a softball.

Ring a ding ding!

School down the street from Julia

Don't let this scare is made out of sticks, seeds, and other natural materials

Evidently I ordered a venti green tea latte........I bet that was a first for them!  It was not as bad as it looks.

This was a project in downtown Vevey.  As I understand it, they asked people to come and pose.  Pictures were taken and then displayed.  It was actually very neat to look at.

Jackie's pie is better.

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