Sunday, October 17, 2021

almost normal, almost

I am still not totally back to normal 

    Whatever normal is, that is.  

    I am still tired.  I slept 11 hours last night, down from the 12  the night before.

    And I did a couple of small tasks today.  I moved a bookcase from the dining room to the den and I also moved my recliner back to the den.  

    Jackie then suggested we go through some of the tubs that were in the closet.  We went through three of them, and I threw out a few odds and ends.  But I don't know if I should throw out the broken camera or recycle it.  And the hundreds of cords and plugs confuse me.  

    I think I need help, especially with the electronic stuff.

    We get monthly statements detailing prescription costs, medical costs, IRA status, and other papers I have no idea what to do with.  I put them into notebooks.

    But.....why?  All I really have to do is look at the statements, see if they make sense, then get rid of them!   I have 9 notebooks full of statements!  

    So, when I can get to the tub I will be dumping all but end of year reports.  No more saving monthly drug info from insurance.  I just don't think I need to.

    But.....if anyone has a differing opinion, please let me know.

    I think it's my bedtime.

Peace and Love

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