Saturday, October 2, 2021

fed up

  • We had some great food tonight  

    When in Switzerland, eat like the Swiss do.
    Tonight that meant fondue.  And wine.  And champagne. And dessert So I am fed up.  Full. Sated. Stuffed, like a moose hanging on a lodge wall.
    People were surprised that it was midnight here and I was still awake and fairly coherent.  But that was an hour ago and now I am tired.
    Not sure what to expect overnight.  The yellow lights are flashing on the lake.  That indicates storms.  Theforecast is for major storms....high winds, rain, snow in the higher elevations.  It should bee an interesting 24 hours.
    We (the guys) got Julia's car in the garage to prevent another rain in the engine compartment issue.  The last heavy rain they had here flooded her car and shorted out the electrical systems.  So the car is safe sheltered.
     Otherwise it was a beautiful day. 
    One of the visitors tonight made Pavlov....or Pavlova?  like the ballerina, not he behaviorist with the dog.  And truthfully, I may have spelled hat incorrectly because I have had a little wine. It was amazing!  For sure, I would love to learn how to make this.
    I slept from 8 p.m. Friday to 10 a.m. Saturday.  Pretty good for the first day.  The. rest of the day was just sitting on the balcony watching the lake and mountains. 
    FYI...I watched the mountains for several hours and they did not move.
    Neither did I.
Peace and Love

Matt, Stuart. Laura, Nam. Yin. Julia, Paul and me
This was as awesome as it looks!


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