Wednesday, October 20, 2021

shut the damn thing off

I had a rather loud cooking experience tonight

    A simple meal.  Spaghetti, sauce, meat balls, garlic bread, salad.

    The salad went well, the spaghetti went well, the meat balls and sauce blended nicely.

    Now, a note to my real Italian friends.  I used frozen Italian style meatballs.  And Ragu original spaghetti sauce.  I do not have the ability to make my own sauce, so I rely on store bought items.

    But it is the damn garlic bread that always gets me.

    I had a 6 inch section of bread.  I cut it in half, lengthwise, buttered it, put some onion and garlic salt on it and stuck it under the broiler.

    After 2 minutes I checked and it did not look brown, so I gave it another minute.

    In the meantime, I set the timer on the microwave for the sauce and the timer on the oven for the spaghetti.  Everything was going well until......

    I opened the oven door to take out the garlic bread.  Not only was it black, but flames were actually burning on the end of one piece.  Smoke was filling the room.

    That's when the timer on the microwave went off  and the timer on the oven.  Then the smoke alarms started beeping.

    I went to open the back door and put some fans on, which delayed me turning off the timers.  It was damn loud.

    After scraping the remains into the sink, I found an other six inch section and followed the same procedure.....right down to setting one freaking end of the bread on fire!

    I need to lower the top oven rack so it is not so close to the broiler.  I also need to watch it more closely.

    This  second attempt I scraped down so it was not terrible.  I gave Jackie the better piece, not that there was much improvement over my piece.

    One regret was I did not have some red to go with it.  I was afraid once I opened the bottle, I would just find a straw and a soft chair.

Peace and Love


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