Tuesday, October 19, 2021

what hath I wrought?

I made have made a giant mistake tonight 

    A friend in Switzerland, Cristina, recommended a mint tea.  It's Morrocan mint and it is very nice.

    I am just finishing a cup at about 9 p.m.

    Trouble is, I noticed after drinking that the box says it is "refreshing" and "stimulating."

    Nowhere does it say no caffeine. 

    It is an herbal tea, but I don't think that automatically makes it decaf.

    I have trouble sleeping to start with.  This will not help.

    Especially since I stopped at Starbucks in Rockford for a iced vanilla latte after visiting my brother and sister in law today.  We had a nice chat about family, Switzerland, Florida and our health, which when you hit 60 plus is the dominant topic of any gathering.  And I swore I would never be that way....yet, here I am.

    We had left-overs tonight.  I made some broasted potatoes to go with rump roast and corn.  When the smoke alarms went off, I knew the potatoes were done.  Those damn alarms ran for 5 minutes before the smoke finally cleared.

    I gave Jackie the not as badly burnt ones.

    Then we Facetimed with Bob and Anita in Forida.  It's always great talking to them, except after the Packers beat the Bears.  And yes, health issues did pop up.

    And Anita, my head is still itching.  

    Hopefully, I can get some sleep.

Peace and Love

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