Tuesday, October 26, 2021

hedge apples and other pictures

 Sharing some pictures today

    Jackie had two doctor appointments in the suburbs today, and that took up all the afternoon.

    She met with her MS neurolgist for a 9 month check up, and with the Botox Queen for some injections.

    Both doctors are really nice.  They sit and talk, answer questions, explain treatments, and listen to us.  Plus, we talk about travel, Tesla cars, and life in general.

    Jackie gets Botox injections to decrease the spasticity in her legs.  This is the second set of injections.  The first set was a base level, the second set is a little stronger.  Normally we go back in 6 weeks for an assessment, but we are going to do that by phone if needed.

    This is not a cure.  It is not a miracle drug.  It is one tool to help her have some "normality" in her legs.  But it will not mean she can walk, hopefully it will allow her to stand for longer than 5 seconds.

    I had wanted to go to Panera's for lunch, but due to staffing issues the restuarant was only open to 2 and we were not done until a little after 3.

    So we went to Portillo's.  We met sister Judy there and had a picnic in the car because Jackie did not feel srtrong enough to get out of the car.  I think I am going to buy stock in the chain because the restaurants are always busy.  Of course, I also hit the local  Starbucks.

    Enough of that.

    I had gone hunting for hedge apples a week ago but only found a few.  Emily found a ton today.....I guess the wind knocked htem out of the trees.

    Hedge apples are also called osage oranges.  The trees are hardy, and before barbed wire were often planted for fencing to keep cows in, or out, of fields.  But there are less and less of them around, I think because of the messy fruits.  I once read the apples keep spiders out of the house or garage, but I have not found that true.  I think deer may eat them, but I am not sure what else does.

    I used to take them to school and tell kids they were monkey brains.  No one ever believed me.

Peace and Love

Where's Casper the friendly ghost pumpkin?

I bought this one because it reminded me of my teen years

Everybody see the rapper?

Hard to tell, but these are geese flying into the sunset

Holy hedge apples, Batman!  Thanks, Emily for the haul.  I use them for decorations in the fall.

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