Friday, October 22, 2021


That is the answer to what does Terry say while weeding 

    I said a few other words too.....but nothing I would like to repeat about weeds.

    I don't remember the last time my gardens were weeded.  I remember it was hot.  And I had help. 

    I figured I better get them in somewhat better shape before winter, because that will make clean up next spring so much easier.

    I discovered those blue nitrile medical gloves are great for my hands when weeding.  I don't know why, but my fingers don't seem to hurt as much. I wear garden gloves over the blue ones, and I suspect the warmth helps with the arthritis in my fingers.

    In any case, they feel better than working without the blue gloves.

    What doesn't feel good are my knees.  And my hips.

    I can weed for about 15 minutes, then I have to stand and stretch.  About every hour I take a 30 minute break, which means I really don't work for long periods of time.

    But my body is so cramped up, even after short periods of time.

    Plus, I can't keep my focus.  I weed, look around, pet the dog. pick up poop, walk around the yard and then go back to weeding.  It's just sooooo boring.

    I am about one third finished, and hope to get a lot done tomorrow before the heavy rains move in.  I also have to's a little long.

    Tonight Jackie and  went to see the theater group's production of "Frankenstein."  I thought it was really well done.  It was baed more on the novel, not the movies.  And no one burst into "Putting on the Ritz."

    All in all, it was a pretty darn good day.

    Hope yours was too.

Peace and Love

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