Monday, October 25, 2021


I had a strange conversation today 

    I was walking Corki.  A neighbor yelled out, "I like your moms!"  I stopped and stared.  How does he know my mom?  She's been dead for 20 years.  And do I have 2 because he said moms.

    I did not say anything.  I just stared at him.

    Then he yelled, "Your mums.  I like your mums."

    Well, that made sense!  I had just potted the mums we bought the other day. 

    Yes, I should have had my hearing aids in, but when I work outside I often don't wear them for fear of losing them.

    It was a relief that he liked the mums.

    I potted 2 large and 2 small ones, plus did a little weeding in the front garden.  I only have a little weeding left to do, and truthfully, I am not in any hurry to get it done.

    Somehow I lost my 5 gallon composting bucket yesterday.  I did not realize it until last night.  This is the bucket I keep in the garage.  Once my kitchen bucket fills, I dump it into the 5 gallon bucket.  Once that is full, I carry it out to the composting bin.

    I went out today, wondering how far it had blown in the winds.  Instead, it was next to my compost bin with about 2 inches of water in it.  Thank heavens it was not lost.

    I tried making rostï tonight.  That is a Swiss dish that has hash browns, bacon, ham, cheese and onions mixed together.  Like an omelette without the egg.  Julia made it when I was there and it was delicious.

    I made it and it  Ok. Not bad.  Not great.  Not the same as in Switzerland.  Maybe it was the setting, maybe it was the ingredients, or the lack of wine, but it just did not taste as good as over there.

    I brought some Skittles back for son in law John.  But, I have bad news.  One of the bags fell into the sink tonight.  The bags are not waterproof.  So, one bag of Skittles is a soggy mess.  There is one bag left, as of now.

    I have noticed that I drop a lot of things lately.  I broke 2 garden ornaments while cleaning them at  Julia's, I dropped and broke a salad bowl at home, and I seem to drop a lot of things without breaking them.  It concerns me.

    But hell, I am 7f3 years I guess it is ok to drop stuff once in a while.  As long as it isn't a baby or a puppy I guess I am ok.

Peace and Love

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