Wednesday, September 29, 2021

my bags aren't packed

I'm not ready to go....standing here, outside my door 

    Sorry Cass, John, Michelle and.....?  The Mamas and the Papas.  Loved that gorup and their sound.  Can't remember ... were there two Johns?  

    But....hey!  I am leaving on a jet plane tomorrow and no, I am not packed.

    I have almost all of my chores done....two loads of laundry to do tomorrow and a few odds and ends to pick up.

    I also need to pack, which is always a treat.  I will run around the house looking for things I need but can't find, only  to discover I either don't need them or have them already.  That is me.

    I will be testy, grouchy, tired, nervous, anxious, and frustrated.

    I experienced a lot of that today. 

    I tried to check in on line, but for some reason when I hit the check in button I get a message that the page can't be found.  Huh.

    I can't fill out my entry form because I don't know my seat assignment.  My ticket doesn't show it, my confirmation doesn't show it.  Maybe I ride on the wing.  Who knows?

    I tried calling, but after 30 minutes on hold I hung up.  The music was driving me crazier. 

    It is strange that the highly efficient Swiss would have 2 ssituations like that.

    Oh well.

    I may not post for a couple of days.....or even weeks if I can't find the right computer cords.  

    I think everything should be standard.  Phone cords, computers, lap tops, readers, speakers, cameras.  I feel everythiing has a different cord and it's hard for old guys like me to keep track.

    So don't laugh at the blue tape on the cords that tell me what it is for.  It's for my benefit, not yours.

    See?  Getting grumpy already.

Peace and Love

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