Saturday, October 30, 2021

something odd

 Something strange happened tonight

    I did not see the Northern Lights.

    Now that is not strange in itself, but what was strange was the sky was clear, stars were out, I found a dark area and I remembered.

    Usually when there is a sky event it is cloudy, or rainy, or overcast, or I forget.  But tonight I drove out into the country to a high spot and looked north.  Lots of stars.  A dark night.  But no Northern Lights.

    Guess you had to be farther north.  Who knows, maybe later the lights will be out, but I doubt it.

    I did take a two hour nap today.  I may have had a reaction to my booster shot.  My muscles ached, I was tired, headachy and it hurt to walk or move.  I went to the outdoor market and walked around, but the more I walked the more achy I became.

    So, a nap took up my afternoon.  I feel better, and don't hurt as much but hopefully tomorrow will even be better

    I am still laughing over friend Bethy's flight to a Nascar race.  If you know her, make it a point to ask how the trip went.  It will be well worth your time.

    I also put out our pumpkin lanterns and lit the candles in them, but they are hardly noticable from the road.  Oh well.

    Another day older and deeper in debt.

Peace and Love

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